Tag: new york

home and homesickness

home and homesickness

i’ve been kind of grumpy lately, because i’ve been trying to figure out whether or not to take a semester off, but more, i suspect, because i’m starting to get homesick. don’t get me wrong, new york: i like you fine. even more than fine, […]

food, logic, + my ocd

food, logic, + my ocd

do you ever think about food as a puzzle? because sometimes i do. i don’t know if it’s because it’s some subconscious need to elevate cooking to some other level as a justification for doing it so frequently, or if it’s just because that’s the […]

the “i hate gristedes” post

the “i hate gristedes” post

ever since the new york times posted its definitive recipe for chocolate chip cookies, i’ve been meaning to do a taste test between those and our trusty standby, toll house. we all know i’m a sucker for taste tests; the best ones that come to mind include the shaws whole chicken v. chinatown whole chicken (the chinatown chicken tasted surprising like a chinatown chicken you would get in a restaurant, which was really surprising to me) and the apple pie taste test, after which i swore off cinnamon in apple pies.

so, gristedes. i had decided to do three batches of chocolate chip cookies, since the gimmick of the new york times recipe lies in both proportions of sugar/flour/butter and also in how long the dough is chilled. the three batches are then: (1) the new york times recipe; (2) toll house, chilled as long as the ny times recipe; and (3) toll house, chilled the normal amount (about an hour, until the dough is firm enough to use). i went to gristedes to get ingredients, assuming that a supermarket would definitely have all of the ingredients i needed for my experiment. (because that’s what this is, folks: a geeky experiment. so sue me.) of course, i was wrong, and this is why gristedes makes me hate new york. because they don’t carry the chocolate chips i use in chocolate chip cookies, which is not an exotic brand and is basically carried in every other grocery store known to man. the brand, incidentally, is simply ghirardelli 60% bittersweet chips. i like the size and shape of these chips in particular – they’re chubbier, and a little bigger and flatter, so they’re more pleasing to the eye and consequently make them more attractive to eat. kind of like the way that arborio rice is more pleasing to me to eat than basmati rice. (more…)

per se: on being jaded

per se: on being jaded

i’ve just returned from a lovely, languorous lunch at per se. initially i had doubts that i even wanted to try to go to per se; after all, i’ve been to the french laundry, and it seems that the two are not particularly different (especially […]

annisa, or, on being overcritical

annisa, or, on being overcritical

annisa / 13 barrow street, new york / 212-741-6699 / m-sat 5:30-10:30, sun 5:30-9:30 / appetizers $9-18, entrees $27-33 when i was in chicago, i always felt awkward having dinner by myself – i always have that problem, when not in cambridge, where i can’t […]