Tag: recipe

“recipe adapted” (aka samoas)

“recipe adapted” (aka samoas)

this post is really about homemade samoas, a recipe that i noticed popping up on the blogs a few weeks ago. but first (first?!), a digression about that label on so many blog recipes: “recipe adapted from.” for the samoas, i used graham crackers as […]

dulce de leche (definitive version)

dulce de leche (definitive version)

it’s been a couple weeks since dulce de leche v1.0, and the verdict is in. that version, as you will remember, was defined both by a beautiful color and a slightly acidic aftertaste. the basic recipe remains the same: a quart of milk, a cup […]



i don’t usually take photographs at an angle – that “artistic angle” so favored by food bloggers – but for some reason, the dead-on photos just don’t look as good. something about the straight shooting suppresses the cragginess of these cookies.

so, caramel melts. this is what i discovered upon leaving a tupperware of ganache-topped caramels in the fridge, with no outer coating of chocolate, for over a year. possibly for two years – i’ve forgotten exactly when i put them in for that long, long hibernation. i think i expected them to keep the way that, miraculously, my most prized caramel sauce has kept for two years as i slowly consume it. (the original delicious caramel sauce got a boost of sugar syrup from spiced, baked apples, infused and reduced with tea, that rendered it positively spectacular.) alas, it was not so. beyond acquiring the aroma of the refrigerator – airtight container be damned – the caramels absorbed liquid from the ganache and melted into waxy sludge. (more…)

yeasted bread chronicles, chapter II

yeasted bread chronicles, chapter II

this one’s a keeper. there was a post about this bread/cake at thekitchn, which is originally from flo braker (via leite’s culinaria). i love sweet yeasted breads and buns, and this is the best of the bunch. really, it’s a cake, but i always think of yeasted […]

dulce de leche (v 1.0)

dulce de leche (v 1.0)

my love for dulce de leche started about five years ago, when nina happened to make a banoffee pie one weekend. i had heard of it (from the musical “guys and dolls”), and possibly had had it a few times, but i had never paid […]

chicken – not frog, shark, or snake – tastes like chicken

chicken – not frog, shark, or snake – tastes like chicken

when top chef first started airing, i was one of the skeptics. without willy wonka’s magical tv, i reasoned, it’s just not possible to be able to live vicariously through chefs in competition the way that one can with fashion in project runway. whereas in project runway, the way we consume fashion is to wear it and see it, in top chef, the way we consume food – eating and smelling it – is impossible.

i realized that, over the past few years, my position on this issue has softened – slightly. every day, i look at seriouseats’ photograzing section to see what other people are making. and through looking at these photos, i’ve found that i have been developing my faculty of being able to tell how something will taste, based on how it looks. the powers of observation will not always hold true, but they do admirably well most of the time. in these photographs, i can see when the onions haven’t been properly browned, when shortbread hasn’t been cooked enough and remains hopelessly pale, when meat is overcooked and looks dry. i can see when a ganache-covered confection has been refrigerated and brought back to room temp too quickly (condensation, and a certain type of slick shininess that isn’t the soft sheen that ganache should have). i can see when something is overly yellow and a custard is too solid from too many egg yolks. and these are things that transcend bad presentation, over-exposed or unfocused photographs, and their related ilk – these are things that you can see that actually make you not want to eat something. (more…)

and now, something sweet

and now, something sweet

long overdue, but finally here! i am going to make these a few more times and will post adjustments as necessary.

faux canneles

faux canneles

i’ve been working pretty hard, and i rewarded myself recently with a cannele mold (the smallest one i’ve ever seen! not that i have seen a lot of cannele molds, but it’s smaller than i thought it would be) from amazon. i don’t really have […]

bacon bread

bacon bread

i’m unable these days to really take on any big cooking projects, due to exhaustion from school. anything that requires more than an hour is pretty much out of the question right now, unless i don’t have to babysit it – making chicken stock comes to mind. in the past few months i’ve either split any slightly involved projects over multiple days, or more likely, i just haven’t thought about them seriously at all.

i’ve been thinking about this bread, though, and talking it up enough since it came out in bon appetit a few months ago that i finally decided to make it. that is, a week ago i decided to make it, while shopping for dinner with mary. i made the bacon-onion-dried pear mix actually about 10 days ago (maybe i shouldn’t be telling you this, but there you go). and i had bought the dried pears about 3 weeks before that. so this bread has been in the works for a while. (more…)

artificial drink mix gone…right?

artificial drink mix gone…right?

so i found these cookies on photograzing: apple-cider cookies with caramel inside. the photo looks amazing – a ribbon of caramel stretching lusciously between two halves of a cookie – and i’m thinking to myself, a stuffed cookie like a caramel-filled truffle? no awkward compression […]